Saturday, March 06, 2004

Complain Complain, Whine Whine

I had enough of all the idiots there who just refuse to count their blessings and just stop complaining, and just grow the up.

I hate people who go around complaining about the SAF, go around complaining about the food, go around complaining about the traffic police, go around acting like an inmature freak. Especially when they are my coursemates.

Some pilot trainee was discharged cos of some reasons that were obviously his fault, and was made to pay about $40,000++. When we signed on as Pilots, we were told that Breeching of Contract has a minimum cap of 250,000 or something like that. But that guy was made to pay $40k.

"ONLY??!?! So u mean what they told us about the minimum cap was fake? We were cheated?" How in the flyin fuck did the SAF being compassionate to this pilot trainee become cheatin the rest of us? So what will u say if the SAF asked him to compensate the maximum minimum cap? "Damn uncompassionate"? Will these people just use their brains and just a little bit of maturity before they make stupid comments.

"COL XYZ is crazy man, cos he said he likes military life. He works everyday till late at night and he is still happy with the job"
"He is a COL for a reason. He worked for it" - me
"But he is crazy!"
WHere in this world, can u climb up the ladder without even using any hardworK? U think everything just comes to u so easily without workin for it? Maybe the person who said can go become a GIGGLO cos he acts like one. Even then he needs to work hard and stop being spoilt to be a rich gigglo.

"SAF food sucks"
Seriously the food doesn't suck. I feel damn cheesed off when people jus say "Lunch in canteen? I can't stand eatin SAF food man!" One reason why they should stop these nonsense. T-H-E F-O-O-D T-A-S-T-E O-K

I am really wondering how am i gonna spend 1 freaking year with these WHINY assholes in pearce.

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