Sunday, October 19, 2003

Just the other day, i think it was on friday, i was at Sambawang Airbase for attachment at the Training Squadrons. The people who made it thru BWC in pearce and get posted to heli wil continue training here..

We were talking to the trainees there and we asked about the breakup rate with the gfs here in singapore, while they are there.. It was quite encouraging. Mostly only 1 breakups and for this 115 BWC course, no one broke up over there.

Well. than we went on talking.

The officer trainee "As a pilot trainee, you won't get to spend much time in Singapore. U might suffer now, but when u come back u can enjoy ur life."

Ryan "So actually not many people break up anyway?"

The off trainee "Yeah. U do hear many things about gf breaking up with the trainees, but in actual fact, alot more people hold on to their relationship over there in Perth."

Me "Hmmm.. so wat the use of all these if i don't have a gf man.." ".. Ryan, actually if u ask me now, if i was allowed to have her back, at the price of my pilot job, i'll glady do that.."

Ryan "You're crazy man.. its only for this period of time that u will feel this way man.."

Yeah i agree with wat he said. Its most likely only for this period of time that i'll feeel like this. But guess it'll take a hell lot of time and pain to get over this stage.

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