Saturday, August 21, 2004

WE mooved into your pernament accoms already.. the place is so much more cosy, but a little smaller too, but i'm happy still. I'm in a very holiday mood now cos the accomslook so dman hotel like and so confy. I and gerald moved into the blocks first cos we woke up early and our course only have 2 cars for now. anyway, i realised i have so much more now than when i arrived 3 weeks ago.. hmmmmm...

we got there, we were so disappointed our rooms weren't wired with the lan lines. (the wired up here literally means physical wires being connected from room to room, unprofessionally, hung across the building to the next block). We explored where all the lan lines traveled to from the window, and realised that there was a room where the was a line running under its door. I pulled and squashed the line out of the door, gerald climbed out from my window onto the railing outside the window, and i threw the line a distance of 3 rooms away to him, and tada! we are wired. But i don't know if the block has internet access though. got to wait for the seniors to come back from their week ends to see if they have internet access..

cheers mates!

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