articleMr Chee, for your information, the Singaporean government and constitution, IS one of the most UNCORRUPTED in the world.
I remember when i was still in Secondary school, and there was the GE coming up, and there was this individual that was constantly being brought to court for slander. My curiosity was even more aroused as i found out that this loud spoken, slandering politician was, sadly to say, an ACSian.
Eventually, i found his party selling their shabby news paper at clementi MRT station, where i get home from school everyday. They were screaming "Singapore most expensive place to live in!", and some stuff that was too complicated for me to understand back then. I bought the newspaper anyway.
Even at my young age, i immediately found the information in the newspaper more appropriately classified as tabloid information.
I appreciate the fact that Singapore has their very own loud spoken politician, to keep the ruling party in check, however, a loud spoken politician should never start plucking something out of nothing, and start crying over it, hoping that the rest of Singapore will cry with him. Maybe if he didn't possess his horrible reputation, more of Singapore will believe him.
All i want to say is, Mr Chee Soon Juan, Shutup, as you've long lost your credibility since a long time ago.