Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Google Earth

I accidently stumbled upon this super cool website.


U can feel like a spy for once.

as the name suggests, its actually a virtual earth right on ur computer. Its basically a series of satellite photo graphs taken and put together on this program, that u can download for free!

Its a broadband program, which means u need to have a fast enough internet access to have a good access to the globe. None of the maps are stored on your computer. The program streams the map onto your computer while u are actually scrolling around.

So what have i seen over the last few hours on this?

I "went" to Regina and Moose Jaw both in Canada, and i could zoom in up to car level. Yes thats right. I could see cars on the street. And i even saw the canadian aircraft parked at the apron.

And so i found regina airport and the moose jaw airbase, and i clicked on the "how to get there" function, and the map started highlighting roads i caould use to get to my destination.

Not only that, it also highlights what ever i search. For example, i typed "car" and it started marking out places where car dealers and rental were located, and some even had the contact number!

And so i went to Australia Pearce airbase, and although i could not see any S211s around, i did see our cars parked nxt to our bunks, no not nice cars but lousy daewoo kalos.

And so i was bored, tried finding the great wall of china and pyramids, but the countries were too big for me to even attempt to find it. Well, if anyone finds it, please tell me the lats and long of these places.

U can't really see anything in singapore. I think they scientists in google can't be bothered to zoom in deep enough into singapore for a good view. Never the less u can see details up to buildings level.

Go check this out!

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